Lazear Lab dec 2024: tommy, cormac, mikhala, nigel, peter, melissa, helen, margaret, abbie, taras, alex, celeste, autumn, Paola

lazear lab + alumni at ASV 2024: tesia, viren, margaret, becca, drake, mikhala, helen

plaque at lazear chemistry hall, washington & jefferson university, memorializing jesse lazear, who died demonstrating that yellow fever virus is transmitted by mosquitoes

plaque assay petunias

lazear lab april 2024: nigel, abbie, melissa, mikhala, margaret, alex, drake

lazear lab at the nc museum of natural sciences: drake, margaret, celeste, mikhala, abbie, tommy, melissa, alex, helen, nigel, peter

virus pottery by maria gainey (phage t7, hsv, ebola, flu)

model of wnv +/- E16 Fab

Zika virus specimens

Rubella virus titer assay